Fistful of Credits is a strange Squad Pack, but I’d buy it before I’d buy Jedi Hunters. Even though the Secondary/Support line is ridiculously cost-prohibitive (Aurra Sing is 5PC and Bounty Hunters are 4PC). Since a lot of Primaries have 8SP, you can (with effort) squeeze Aurra or the Bounty Hunters into a non-Bounty Hunter Squad.
The reason you may want to do that is because both Aurra and the Bounty Hunters Units have the Payday ability, which lets you flip a FP on another Unit’s activation to give Aurra/BHs a Keyword of your choice. Need Aurra to cross the battlefield? Have her gain the Handmaiden keyword on Sabé’s activation so she benefits from a free dash. Need damage? Kalani just gave her the Battle Droid trait so she can get a bonus attack from Tactical Network. It’s a cool idea, and given that these Units are cross-era, it’s interesting to hunt for more Payday options in the future.
They also have cool abilities of their own. Aurra can twin her attacks and can reposition whenever she makes a combat action. The Bounty Hunters can get a free Dash toward an enemy upon activation and roll a lot of dice with Tools of the Trade, but they don’t deal a ton of damage. I’d rather take Aurra than the Bounty Hunters in a different list, but again - you miss out on powerful Secondary combination abilities when you slot her in place of a Kalani or CC-2224 Commander Cody. And she’s pretty expensive, to boot.
Cad Bane, however, is weirdly flexible. He threatens people to get off the point, tags damage onto allied attacks (or jumps after the targeted enemy if he’s out of range), has rocket boots, and refreshes FP whenever enemies are wounded. On top of his abilities and solid attack dice pools, whoo boy… you can fit so much shenanigans in that 9 SP.
We’ll have to wait until Droidekas inevitably see release, but if they’re 4 or 5 PC I can see Cad Bane as a great Primary Option for a Separatist Alliance list wanting to fit an expensive Super Tactical Droid alongside high-cost Supporting Units. Assuming they ever make something better than Magnaguards. I like the box, but it’s not mandatory.