General Grievous has one setting, and it is the lawnmower setting.
While it’s cute that he yells at a droid to “MOVE” at the start of his turn with his tactical ability, you want Grievous because he can get into a fight fast, climbs walls, and then rolls up to 13 damage in his Quad Arm Attack Stance. When you try to fight back against Grievous, he damages every other enemy adjacent to him. The guy is a goon, and can shred a primary in one action if you play your cards/dice right.
Kraken is similar to Kalani in that he has that familiar Battle Droid movement efficiency, but is clearly more of a budget option at 4 PC. His Tactical ability isn’t quite as effective as Kalani’s… but what he lacks in movement he makes up for by being scrappier. Kraken is someone you want holding points, as he gets Protection and Steadfast while doing so.
The B2s can do real damage, which is nice… but they aren’t tremendous for the 4 PC. 11 damage in their Combat Tree + Expertise Tree is solid. But weirdly, they’re better at shooting when it’s not their turn. The “Battle Droid makes a 5 dice attack” abilities you’ll find scattered among the Tactical Droid Secondaries and Separatist Alliance Primaries are normally just “okay.” 5 dice will usually get blocked. But for B2s, they have 2 uncancelable damage inside their expertise table. Rolling pure expertise can tag 2 damage onto unsuspecting enemy primaries… which probably still isn’t a viable counter to General Obi-Wan “HUNKER” Kenobi. But for free? It’s not nothing.
This Squad Pack is fun, and remains the only other Separatist Alliance Squad Pack to date (WHERE. ARE. THOSE. DROIDEKAS???). Because of that, I’d recommend Separatist Alliance players take the plunge and buy this one… but only after they’ve purchased Twice the Pride. Kraken is a budget Super Tactical Droid, which can combine well with all your Separatist Primaries for more list flexibility. The B2s will be set aside most of the time though, unfortunately.