This squad pack is extremely fun and adds the possibility for a nearly "all melee" empire squad. Pairs well with both versions of Vader and feels great on the table.
I’ve gotten very little play with this one, but that’s partially because it’s so weird to Squad build with.
Darth Vader, Jedi Hunter has the Inquisitorious keyword, but he has a hard time running with any Supporting Inquisitor from this box. I say "any" because there are two: The Fourth Sister and the Fifth Brother, both of whom are 4PC. Neither of whom are particularly great… but the Fifth Brother is at least decent at holding objectives.
Inquisitorious have their own version of Coordinating Fire called Enfeeble, but there’s a problem. Ranged targets trigger Coordinating Fire more often because you are often firing at targets in range of multiple eligible Coordinating Fire Units. You are forced by the Squad rules to split the Fourth Sister and Fifth Brother up, so you’re reducing Enfeeble likelihood while playing by your enemies’ rules. “No, my attacking Inquistorious Unit doesn’t have any other Inquisitorious within Range 4 of the enemy Cad Bane. Because if I did, Cad would have shot them to death from Range 4.”
Not only that, you’re incentivized via the Inquisitorial Mandate to spread out your forces (in your already low Character-count Strike Team) and take advantage of tiebreaks on several objectives at once. Yet their combat works best when they’re ganging up. See the issue?
The Primary, the Grand Inquisitor, and the Secondary, the Third Sister, are good on the Combat side, and have some of the Separatist Alliance action efficiency abilities. I don’t agree with common discourse that the Third Sister is the worst Secondary in the game, but given how awkward this box is… I would probably get this last.
Sorry fellow Star Wars: Rebels fans. I would be more comfortable recommending this pack if the Fourth Sister was replaced with the Seventh Sister… I’m not a Mirialan supremacist, they just happen to be the coolest characters okay?