I was so excited and happy to gift these to our family for Christmas. We love all of our Ticket to Ride games. Special set of trains.
Michael Betz
Awesome Addition
I've been looking to get some of these add-ons ever since the 10th anniversary edition came out but could never justify the price tag. These train packs are awesome and more affordable and can be used on whatever Ticket To Ride game you want to add them to!
Jeffrey E Barber
Little frustrating
I love the build quality. Just left feel unsatisfied that I can't get the missing white and orange and other colors to use. Without paying eBay gauge fees. Then still short trains to use with ticket to ride Europe
Victor Castellanos
It arrives in excellent conditions, complete and it´s a really awesome design. I feel a little sad because it don´t comes with the Box 1, but is great to add it to our collection. Loved it!!!